Wimborne C v Ringwood B

B&DCL Div 3 Wed 8th Nov 2023   Verify
BoardHomeWimborne CRingwood BAway
1 (B) 1786
Cleland, Nathaniel J
1 - 0
Ormesher, Richard
2 (W) 1766
Pollyn, Stephen M
1 - 0
Day, Malcolm
3 (B) 1775
Jackson, Michael
0 - 1
Davenport, Robert
4 (W) 1765
Cordner, John R
½ - ½
Schofield, Julian
Total70922½ - 1½Total6737

Last update Graham Hillman Wed 8th Nov 2023 23:06. Reported by Graham Hillman Wed 8th Nov 2023 23:06. Verified By Rob Davenport Thu 9th Nov 2023 08:10


Although Ringwood B were heavily outgunned on the points front it wasn't straightforward for Wimborne to secure this match . The board 1 game was a lively affair with an unbalanced position allowing both players attacking chances . Nathaniel managed to get the lethal blow in 1st . The next game to finish was Mike's and Robert prevailing with the score now 1-1 . The 3rd game to finish was an exiting draw between 2 players who both look like their grades will rise in due course . Extensive after game analysis by the 2 of them convinced me they had an entertaining game with honours even . The last game to finish was the match decider where Steve manage to get a positional advantage and trade down the Queens and Rook to secure a clear cut win . Thanks Ringwood for making the Journey and providing an entertaining evenings Chess . gh

BuzzLightSquare's picture

Thanks to Wimborne, for a pleasant, competitive and sporting evening of chess - as ever. One question: did I leave my glasses behind?! :) They would have been in a black hard case with 'Hackett' written on the top. If I have, please could you drop me an email on rob.davenport@outlook.com and I'll try and make arrangements to pick them up. Cheers!

Yes I have them ! I will work out a way to get them returned