Ringwood A v Poole B

B&DCL Div 1 Mon 13th Nov 2023   Verify
BoardHomeRingwood APoole BAway
1 (B) 2066
Anderson, Peter W
1 - 0
Stanciu, Ciprian
2 (W) 1878
Willetts, Graham J
½ - ½
Calauz, Sergiu
3 (B) 1820
Clancy, Martin J
0 - 1
O.Neill, Martin
4 (W) 1844
Woodger, Niall
0 - 1
Fretwell, Ellis
Total76081½ - 2½Total7502

Last update Peter Anderson Tue 14th Nov 2023 11:57. Reported by Peter Anderson Tue 14th Nov 2023 11:57. Verified By Ciprian Stanciu Tue 14th Nov 2023 23:00


This was a match that looked about even on paper and indeed there were some very tough games. As often seems to be the case Poole B pulled the rabbit out of the hat.

First to finish were Graham and Sergiu in an unexciting and level looking position. The other 3 games were much more challenging.

I only glanced a few times at Niall and Ellis's game and found it hard to evaluate with plenty of tactics to keep an eye on. In the end Ellis found a queen sac to force through a pawn to queen with check and it was clear Niall's king would have no safe haven.

The two Martins were locked in battle in a kings indian with opposite side castling. The game looked about level for a long periods to me, with Martin O defending resolutely against Martin C's threats. In the end Martin O prevailed. The match was therefore decided leaving me and Chip "playing for fun".

Ours was quite a complicated game (a slower time limit would have been nice!). In the end Chip's king got stuck the centre and the resulting pins netted me material and the game.

Congratulations to Poole for a deserved victory.

Always a pleasure to see our friends from Ringwood. Good luck for the rest of the season