Highcliffe B v Wimborne C

DCL Div 3 Mon 14th Nov 2022   Verify
BoardHomeHighcliffe BWimborne CAway
1 (B) 1732
Trach, Thomas
1 - 0
Tyler, Alan J
2 (W) 1635
Kageler, Susan
0 - 1
Young, Simon
3 (B) 1629
Lose, Bryan
1 - 0
Beclawski, Krystian
4 (W) 1121
Ursell, Dan
0 - 1
White, Andrew A
Total61172 - 2Total5294

Last update Mike Davidson Tue 15th Nov 2022 06:59. Reported by Mike Davidson Tue 15th Nov 2022 06:59. Verified By Thomas Trach Tue 15th Nov 2022 10:08


ttrach's picture

A very exciting second installment in Highcliffe's Dorset Campaign. Wimbourne started off strong and after a struggle on board 2 and 4 both Highcliffe players were forced to succumb. Congratulations to Simon and Andrew for achieving such a dominating position over us so early on as it really ramped up the pressure. However, on board 3 I observed that Bryan Lose was up a piece and in firm control of the game, resulting in his eventual triumph. This left just board 1 to contend for the fate of the match. I must confess that I had scuffed the opening and was on the defensive in a very closed position. Alan further brought down pressure upon me after seeing his successful comrades he attempted to force an endgame upon me through the trading of pieces. However after nearly four hours I was able to break down Alan's wall and gain a past pawn. The ensuing pressure from such a powerful position then helped to end the match. Well played to Wimbourne, lots of drama and draw is a worthy result for such a stalwart team. I very much look forward to the return fixture.
Regards Thomas