Highcliffe C v Bournemouth B

B&DCL Div 3 Mon 7th Nov 2022   Verify
BoardHomeHighcliffe CBournemouth BAway
1 (B) 1732
Trach, Thomas
½ - ½
Meyer, Thorsten
2 (W) 1681
Salinger, Neil
0 - 1
Miles, Daniel
3 (B) 1683
Manson, Andrew
0 - 1
Schumacher, E James
4 (W) 1689
Powell, Robert
½ - ½
Willington, Robert M
Total67851 - 3Total6760

Last update Andrew Manson Tue 8th Nov 2022 00:08. Reported by Andrew Manson Tue 8th Nov 2022 00:08. Verified By Daniel Miles Tue 8th Nov 2022 08:15


amanson's picture

Thomas and Thorsten played a tight game on Board 1 with neither player getting a decisive advantage, they agreed a draw in a position that either player trying to force was in danger of losing. Daniel managed to get the edge over Neil, with Neil's King becoming boxed in and Daniel forced a queen for rook exchange with a forced mate to follow. James won a pawn in the middle game, which eventually went to an attacking end game with both players stretching for a win, James played more accurately and got the result. The two Roberts on board 4 were last to finish with RW having the edge in a minor piece and pawn end game, but RP stuck in stubbornly and managed to get a draw from a weaker position.
A very enjoyable match overall in which Bournemouth were worthy winners.

dmiles's picture

Many thanks to Highcliffe for an enjoyable night. 4 very competitive games and I anticipate the rematch later this year will be a close one.