Buccaneers v Bishops

BCCTT Wed 21st Sep 2022   Verify
1 (B) 1650
Miles, Daniel
0 - 1
Mostardi, Paolo
2 (W) 1550
Schumacher, E James
1 - 0
Errington, Paul T
3 (B) 1200
Darke, Alex
1 - 0
Ghose, Azhar
4 (W) 1490
Spence, Chris
1 - 0
Ackerman, Tony
Total58903 - 1Total5646

Last update Daniel Miles Thu 22nd Sep 2022 23:58. Reported by Daniel Miles Thu 22nd Sep 2022 23:58. Verified By


dmiles's picture

Another excellent set of decisive games. The first game to finish was Alex vs Azhar. Alex won a piece and then rapidly liquidated the board to comfortably win. Another game that seemed to liquidate was the game between James and Paul, Paul offered the draw, but James fought on and turned a drawn looking end game into a winning pawn endgame with the 'chicken coop' technique. Chris and Tony's game was the next to finish after a very long game with each players blundering pieces to one another in what was a see-saw game. Chris was worse for a while with him simply holding on and delay tactics until a blunder from Tony swung the game his way. That makes two wins in a row for Chris so that should be a confidence boost for him. The final game between Paolo and Daniel lasted 70 moves and 3 hours. It was a very very sharp position with both kings exposed on the kingside and Daniel being +10 on the computer to 0 in one move. Paolo punished the missed win with a slow methodical conversion of a winning endgame despite Daniel's dogged defence. Paolo got the win but ultimately in vain as Buccaneers win 3-1.