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Wimborne A v Ringwood A

B&DCL Div 1 Wed 23rd Mar 2022   Verify
BoardHomeWimborne ARingwood AAway
1 (B) 2110
Pleasants, Allan J
½ - ½
Goater, Kevin P
2 (W) 2050
Clark, Ian C
½ - ½
Anderson, Peter W
3 (B) 2058
Littleton, Mark
0 - 1
Clancy, Martin J
4 (W) 1998
Barker, Edward
½ - ½
Willetts, Graham J
Total82161½ - 2½Total7882

Last update Martin Joseph Clancy Wed 23rd Mar 2022 23:03. Reported by Martin Joseph Clancy Wed 23rd Mar 2022 23:03. Verified By Ian Clark Thu 24th Mar 2022 08:02


Allan and Kevin drove together from Weymouth and agreed a draw when the the pieces were being swopped off. Next to finish was board 4 where Eddie looked to have some pressure but nothing clear was found in the post-match analysis.

In my game, Mark offered a draw on giving up the exchange for a pawn and a very good knight as we both approached time trouble. However, the position on board 2, where we were a pawn down meant I had to play on. Eventually, I was able to activate my rook and by by-passing the knight was able to get a winning attack. That left Wimborne hoping for a win on board 2 to draw the match. Board 2 eventually got down to King and two pawns against one pawn. However, it was a position where progress involved swopping off to a bare king and pawn against pawn and on doing so the defender had the opposition and so after swopping the pawns a draw was agreed.

Thanks to Ringwood for a competitive match. I thought we were doing well on boards 3 and 4 with the top board looking very interesting.
The top board eventually agreed a draw ( probably a shame they had to drive down together from Weymouth and split the spoils! ).
Eddie had an attack on the kingside but could not quite find the killing move so a draw was agreed.
On board 3 seemed to be heading for a draw but Martin found a way to use his rook to force a win.
My match was last to finish where I had managed to win a passed pawn on queenside but could not co-ordinate pieces to move it forward and despite threating some nasties with my roving knight could not force a winning position so had to settle for a 4th consecutive 2.5 to 1.5 loss at home!