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Ringwood A v Poole B

B&DCL Div 1 Mon 2nd Mar 2020   Verify
BoardHomeRingwood APoole BAway
1 (B) 188A
Anderson, Peter W
1 - 0
Stanciu, Ciprian
2 (W) 165C
Willetts, Graham J
0 - 1
Calauz, Sergiu
3 (B) 163A
Clancy, Martin J
1 - 0
Patterson, Simon
4 (W) 153C
Woodger, Niall
1 - 0
Reghif, Tarik
Total6693 - 1Total589

Last update Ciprian Stanciu Tue 3rd Mar 2020 10:17. Reported by Ciprian Stanciu Tue 3rd Mar 2020 10:17. Verified By


Well done to Ringwood for their win. Always a friendly environment to play in.

A fortunate result in the end for Ringwood.

The first game to finish was that between Martin Clancy and Simon Patterson. This was the cleanest win of the match, with Martin finding a simple tactic that won with it material and the game.

Next to finish was my game against Tariq. After getting a pleasant position out of the opening, I became too ambitious and this led to Tariq being able to mobilise his pawns and put pressure on my king. It was a race on opposite flanks (Tariq had castled queenside). Tariq built up a winning position but at a crucial point, delayed pushing forwards giving me time to equalise and then gain a winning ending. Tariq kept pushing and finding interesting ideas that could have led to mate, but fortunately I dodged these and came away with the point. A fortunate win.

At that point, the games on boards 1 and 2 looked relatively evenly balanced. Graham, I felt, had a good position and something of a bind in the early middlegame, but Sergiu avoided any pitfalls, made no mistakes and turned it around, winning eventually. On board 1, Ciprian was also putting Peter under a lot of pressure. A pawn up, he converted this extra material into further gains, and at one point he stood a whole bishop and two pawns to the good. Alas, he blundered into a mate - an ending he'll want to forget.

An enjoyable though lucky result for Ringwood.

I happened to see some of the match last night and fully agree with Niall, the Ringwood Captain. Poole deserved at least a draw from the match, as they played well and had good chances in all 3 games they lost.

Above all though, well done to Ciprian, always courteous, even on a night when he must have gone home feeling Poole had been very unlucky after some fine play.
