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Southbourne A v Wimborne A

B&DCL Div 1 Fri 4th Oct 2019   Verify
BoardHomeSouthbourne AWimborne AAway
1 (B) 195L
Lovelock, Declan
1 - 0
Clark, Ian C
2 (W) 178A
Simons, Martin J
½ - ½
Pleasants, Allan J
3 (B) 178C
Pegg, Russell M
½ - ½
Barker, Edward
4 (W) 157E
Catchpole, Jon F
0 - 1
Littleton, Mark
Total7082 - 2Total720

Last update Martin J Simons Fri 4th Oct 2019 22:54. Reported by Martin J Simons Fri 4th Oct 2019 22:54. Verified By Ian Clark Sat 5th Oct 2019 15:15


A close match and a fair result. On board 4 Jon sacrificed all his pieces until he had none left! Board 2 was a relatively quiet draw. On board 1, Ian seem to have some good chances in the early middlegame but after grabbing a pawn, he came under severe time and positional pressure from Declan, and as a result, made an inaccuracy and the game was soon over. Declan finished with 5 more minutes than he started with! On board 3, the game looked approximatley level, but then Russ won a pawn in a Q + R ending. However, the initiative was very much with Eddie and as all other matches had been completed, an honourable draw was agreed to share the spoils.

It was indeed a close match. I just had time to look at other games and saw that Mark was defending a storming attack by Jon and was just able to avoid being mated and then had a couple of extra pieces and game was over. Martin seemed to be concentrating more on the top board and in his eagerness to watch managed to flood half my board with his water! I wanted to claim rain stopped play but had to carry on. I was under considerable time pressure from Declan and perhaps unwisely opened up the game but despite some exciting moves ended up with a king surrounded by to many pieces and had to resign. By this time Martin and Allan had drawn a fairly quiet game and the final match between Eddie and Russell was looking drawn and this indeed was the result.
A hard fought match and a draw a fair result.