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Poole C v Ringwood A

B&DCL Div 2 Thu 28th Feb 2019   Verify
BoardHomePoole CRingwood AAway
1 (B) 146B
Popovic, P Dragi
0 - 1
Anderson, Peter W
2 (W) 136B
Patterson, Simon
½ - ½
Clancy, Martin J
3 (B) 132C
Reghif, Tarik
½ - ½
Woodger, Niall
4 (W) 122C
Rutter, Mike
½ - ½
Donaldson, Peter
Total5361½ - 2½Total630

Last update Tarik Reghif Thu 28th Feb 2019 23:09. Reported by Tarik Reghif . Verified By Martin Joseph Clancy


treghif's picture

Thank you to Ringwood for a good game. Some strong graded players made things slightly daunting.

Dragi saw a very bad move, decided not to do it, looked for other moves, then forgot about the really bad move until half a second after he made it.. Unfortunately when you're playing someone graded 50 points above you then that's effectively the end of the match.

Simon was a bishop up but it was in exchange for a strong pawn attack.

Tarik was a knight down but it was in exchange for a strong pawn attack.

Mike wasn't messing around with these silly piece sacrifice and headed into a rook end game with scattered pawns, albeit one up but with Peter having counter play.

All three remaining players simultaneously accepted a draw, before looking at each other expecting the others to push for the win.

A very close match, well played all, and a pleasure as always.

All ways a pleasure to visit Poole. A lucky escape on the night for Ringwood.