Dorchester B v Highcliffe B

DCL Div 2 Thu 2nd Nov 2023   Verify
BoardHomeDorchester BHighcliffe BAway
1 (B) 1799
Harbour, John J
0 - 1
Ursell, Adam R
2 (W) 1784
Gill-Martin, Simon
½ - ½
Jones, Tim
3 (B) 1781
Aldwinckle, David
½ - ½
Halse, Robert
4 (W) 1640
Summerbell, Duane
0 - 1
Manson, Andrew
Total70041 - 3Total7198

Last update Martin J Simons Fri 3rd Nov 2023 06:33. Reported by Martin J Simons Fri 3rd Nov 2023 06:33. Verified By Adam Ursell Sun 5th Nov 2023 20:20


Well that was a late night. Highcliffe were contemplating stopping for breakfast on the way back after board 3 finished after 88 moves, in you guessed it a draw. The other 3 boards were done and dusted by 9.30 with Highcliffe securing the win. Often in such circumstances the final board agrees a draw and everyone can go home. David did offer a draw in what seemed an even position but Rob, being a bit deaf and deep in thought, didn't hear so on they ploughed. David was the first to blunder but then Rob reciprocated. David really should have won the rook and pawn ending but it was not to be. With no room left on the score sheet and last orders having been called the draw was at last agreed.

My previous message seemed to have wiped itself, so I'll try again . We bravely trekked across Dorset fording floods famine pestilence and fire. Also dodgey driving. We were concerned on arrival as all was in darkness at 7.15. We checked LMS phoned Martin and phew Dorchester arrived. Long way to go for a wrong date ! Dorchester are excellent hosts and a bar so all was good. The games all seemed very tight ,Adam was edging ahead and Andy a pawn up but unclear on b2 and b3. Adam converted first so 0-1 , then Tim and Simon agreed a draw. Andy won a complicated game on b4 so an early night was on the cards. Alas this was not to be as a marathon game ensued. Rob did not hear the draw offer and we couldn't intervene. Think David should have won but playing on increments can be challenging. We look forward to the return....oh no there isn't one . So next year it is .best to all RU