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Wimborne D v Poole D

B&DCL Div 4 Wed 7th Feb 2024   Verify
BoardHomeWimborne DPoole DAway
1 (B) 1727
Mallon, Stuart
0 - 1
Reghif, Tarik
2 (W) 1758
Hillman, Graham
1 - 0
Joyce, Tim
3 (B) 1655
Young, Simon
0 - 1
Panchenko, Oleksii
4 (W) 1599
Bowley, John R
½ - ½
Guirdham, Damon
Total67391½ - 2½Total6613

Last update Tarik Reghif Wed 7th Feb 2024 22:00. Reported by Tarik Reghif Wed 7th Feb 2024 22:00. Verified By Simon Young Thu 8th Feb 2024 07:50


syoung's picture

Return match against Poole and a battle for top of the league.

In my game on board 3, I was comprehensively outplayed and came up against an opening I had no knowledge of, so that didn’t help. Pawns being pushed just about everywhere, restricted my space and eventually a knight sacrifice didn’t really cut it. After that it was all downhill.
Board 2 looked evenly matched and finished while I was reviewing my game. Graham managed to checkmate Tim. Although Graham did state that he thought Tim had let him back into a game that he was winning.
Board 1 was next. Time was running low and I watched as Tarik produced a solid ending with positional and material advantages forcing Stuart to resign.
Final game was on board 4, between John and Damon, which was an edgy affair, down to a rook and knight, with a few pawns on either side. There was a fair bit of manoeuvring by both, until Damon offered a draw, sealing the match and top spot for Poole. I think John accepting the draw was the right thing to do, as it appeared to me, that his position was starting to deteriorate.
Well played Poole.