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Southbourne D v Bournemouth E

B&DCL Div 4 Fri 27th Oct 2023   Verify
BoardHomeSouthbourne DBournemouth EAway
1 (B) 1578
Harris, John E
1 - 0
Ackerman, Tony
2 (W) 1562
Sandy, Paul
1 - 0
Nickel, Sebastian
3 (B) 1550
Wang, Jason
1 - 0
Spence, Chris
4 (W) 1477
Dixon, Ken
0 - 1
Alves, Manuela M S
Total61673 - 1Total5850

Last update John Harris Sat 28th Oct 2023 00:10. Reported by John Harris Sat 28th Oct 2023 00:10. Verified By Tony Ackerman Sat 28th Oct 2023 11:26


John & Tony's game finished first. The first 8 moves were basically mirror images. After this Tony gave up a pawn and despite being a pawn down swapped off the white squared bishops. John then proceeded to block in Tony's black squared bishop with his pawns and then attacked the white king's castled position. He then forked whites queen and a rook and then managed to get into a winning position when Tony resigned.
Jason was the next to win after exchanging a pawn for Chris's night.
Paul was the next to finish after a lot play with whites king coming under a lot of pressure. The game continued with Sebastian resigning.
Finally after a hard fought battle where Ken nearly managed to get Manuella into a mate. Owing to time pressure Ken eventually gave up his rook for a bishop whilst short of time. Manuella took full advantage of this and Ken resigned when he could see that he could not win.
Thank you to Bournemouth for a good night's chess.

Thanks to Southborne for a very hard fought enjoyable night of chess. Another learning curve for Bournemouth in this league.