Poole B v Bournemouth A

B&DCL Div 2 Tue 26th Apr 2022   Verify
BoardHomePoole BBournemouth AAway
1 (B) 1915
Smith, Richard
1 - 0
Stokes-Carter, Dennis
2 (W) 1908
Fuller, David Michael
½ - ½
Torrance, John
3 (B) 1788
Popovic, P Dragi
0 - 1
Meyer, Thorsten
4 (W) 1668
Jaggard, Adam
½ - ½
Jackson, Paul A
Total72792 - 2Total6918

Last update David M Fuller Tue 26th Apr 2022 22:01. Reported by David M Fuller Tue 26th Apr 2022 22:01. Verified By


dfuller's picture

Match Report to folllow.

dfuller's picture

So two previous draws this season. The final match, and bragging rights decider, was due to be played at the new Poole Club location but other bookings prompted a relocation to the Bournemouth club.

Adam Jaggard joined us on Board 4 alongside the usual Richie/myself/Dragi triumvirate.

Adam and Paul bashed out moves like they were expecting the bus home any minute and were soon into a minor piece plus pawns ending. The position looked rather blocked to me and I heard the draw offer made and accepted. Good game, fair result.

Dragi and Thorsten were obviously catching that same bus and another closed position was soon on the board. The downside for Dragi was that Thorsten had an initiative on the kingside and Dragi had little space to arrange his defensive pieces. Thorsten played the position well, it seemed to me, and consolidated the attack winning a piece. A few tricks were avoided and Thirsten took the full point. Well played.

John and I were paired again and I wasnt able to remember the critical line I like against his Philidor. So we both castled kingside and a slow positional game ensued. I got a bit of a pull, a little more than the first move advantage, but the clocks soon showed John's 30mins to my 5mins, with a tricky position for which the improvement plan for white wasn't clear (to me).

Richie and Dennis played a slow Italian game. Richie, with the Black pieces, managed to get d5 in and got the better game. Then suddenly the sparks started to fly with a Bxh3 sac, exposing the white king, soon followed by a further Nxe4 sac clearing f6 for a Re8-e6-g6 rook lift. The rook pinned the white queen and when the dust settled black had Q+2p vs R+B with white pieces uncoordinated. I felt that it should be a reasonably easy technical win at this point.

So I offered a draw which John accepted. I didnt like the idea of soon playing this position on increment. Thats my excuse.

Richie duly converted for the full point despite Dennis creating swindling chances. Bad luck Dennis; I think you caught Richie on a good night.

So 2-2. Again. Handshakes all round.

Not quite what Poole wanted as a win would have confirmed winning the Division 2. One draw from the last two matches is what is required now.

Perhaps we can do what Bournemouth are threatening not to do in the Championship and stumble across the line.

Thanks again to Bournemouth for helping with the venue change.