Adam Bedi

Player ID48233
First NameAdam
Last NameBedi
User ID0
Player listsEagle and Child
ClubEagle and Child (8MIN)
Local Rating
Local Rapid Rating
FIDE Code432997
FIDE Federation
ECF Rating Code (links to rating system)288314E
Membership Number (from rating list)ME000197
Membership CategoryGold
ECF Standard OTB August1980A
ECF Rapid OTB August1687K
ECF Standard OTB September1991A
ECF Rapid OTB September1687K
ECF Standard OTB September Old1951A
ECF Rapid OTB January1687K
ECF Standard OTB January1951A
ECF Rapid OTB Monthly1687K
ECF Standard OTB Monthly1938A
ECF Rapid OTB Latest1687K
ECF Standard Online2006K
ECF Standard OTB Latest1927A
FIDE Standard1903
FIDE Rapid1834
FIDE Blitz0