Joel Mitchell

Player ID20188
First NameJoel
Last NameMitchell
User ID0
Player listsNone
ClubUniversity of Birmingham (2BUN)
Local Rating0
Local Rapid Rating0
FIDE Federation
ECF Rating Code (links to rating system)326640A
Membership Number (from rating list)ME028765
Membership CategoryNone
ECF Standard OTB August1476K
ECF Rapid OTB August1704K
ECF Standard OTB September1476K
ECF Rapid OTB September1704K
ECF Standard OTB September Old1476K
ECF Rapid OTB January1704K
ECF Standard OTB January1476K
ECF Rapid OTB Monthly1704K
ECF Standard OTB Monthly1476K
ECF Rapid OTB Latest1704K
ECF Standard OTB Latest1476K